The Light Of The Word Of God

Open Your Mind And Your Heart




Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause, I was born and for this cause, I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice. Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all,” St. John 18: 37-40.


Jesus came into this world to make known the truth, and to govern men not by force, but by spiritual influence. “What is truth?” By this question, Pilate manifested both his ignorance of our Lord’s meaning, and his indifference in respect to His doctrine. I find in Him no fault, the Holy Ghost caused to be written on an imperishable record, that it might stand an eternal monument of the falsehood of the Jews, and the perfect innocence of Jesus Christ. What is truth? Truth sat in person and bound before Pilate. Pilate was eager to comply with the custom in order to release an innocent prisoner, but he had not measured the depths of the Jewish hate, which could demand, instead, a robber and a murderer. The Jews preferred Barabbas to the Son of God, the Saviour of the world.

When Christ said, I am the Truth; he said in effect, I am a king. He conquers by convincing evidence of truth, He rules by the commanding power of truth. Many souls out there in the world are searching for the truth, but there are so many preachers out there today, and each one is saying I am teaching the truth, how many truths are there today, not everybody can be teaching the truth. So who do I believe, what do I believe? How many gospels do we have? Each one has a different doctrine, one teaches the Baptism in Jesus name, another teaches speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterances, another does not believe in either one.

What is truth? The dictionary meaning is Fact, reality, honesty, certainty. When Jesus said, unless you believe and are baptized, you shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God. He told you the truth. Whom do you want to believe God or man? Little by little, the preachers are allowing the world to come into the churches today. They are trying to bring God down to please and pacify man, instead of coming up to where they belong to meet God’s standards. But that will not work; mankind has to go by the laws of Jesus Christ. Our self-righteousness is not good enough. A lot of people do not want to listen to sound doctrine today, they are happy living in a world of pretense. They let and they let until they are all out of the way. They let until the truth has completely slipped away from them.

Preachers today, are worried, concerned and even afraid to preach the truth of God’s word. They are afraid that their own congregation will not accept the truth or that the world system will not tolerate them speaking out against certain sins, like shacking-up, or the same sex marriages, or anything that is classified as sin. What is truth? Do you want the preacher to tell you that it is okay to do these things, when it is not? How can the word of God have any effect, if it is watered down to please the people?

Do you think that because Jesus died for your sins that give you the right to go out and do anything you want to do? No, it does not. A sin is a sin, whether you like it or not. Preachers that are called by God cannot water down the word of God just to please the people.

God told Isaiah 58:1, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgressions.”

Water down word of God cannot be effective and do the job that God intended it to do. People today seem to want to believe a lie more so than the truth. The prophets of old were killed for telling the truth. Jesus was murdered on an old rugged cross for telling the truth. The Apostles were beaten, stoned, imprisoned, persecuted, and others were martyred, except for John, all for the Gospel. Did the truth die with them? Cannot the truth be told anymore? Has people forgotten what truth is? What is truth? God’s word is truth. If you reject Jesus, you reject truth.

# 2

                  “You Must Be Born Again”                           





Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. (John 3:7) "Ye must be born again." Listen to those words of our Lord Jesus. "Ye must be born again." Tell it to sinful men as they struggle in their bondage and try to rise to better things. Proclaim the message to those who are proud of their achievements and who trust in their own strength. "Ye must be born again!"


Nicodemus, one of Israel's wise elders, was greatly puzzled by our Lord's words about the New Birth. When Jesus set before him the necessity of this experience, Nicodemus asked, "How can these things be?" This is a question many have asked, but there is a mystery concerning the New Birth which finite minds cannot solve. There are some things which men obtain only by the obedience of faith.


Jesus acknowledged the mystery of the New Birth when he described it to Nicodemus: "The wind blows where it will, and you hear its sound, but you cannot tell from where it comes or where it is going. So is every one that is born of the Spirit" (Jn.3:8).



When Were The Disciples Born Again?


Reader, do you know when Jesus’ disciples received an experience such as Jesus described to Nicodemus? At no time during  Jesus’ earthly ministry did his disciples receive such an experience. Then, when did they receive it? Keep his words "the wind blows where it will" in mind as you read from Acts 2:3-4: "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." This experience which the disciples received on Pentecost morning fulfills the description


of the New Birth which Jesus gave to Nicodemus. Evidently, the disciples were born again in the second chapter of Acts. When Jesus spoke of the sound of the wind accompanying every new birth experience, he was obviously not discussing weather


conditions with Nicodemus. As he was wont to do, Jesus was explaining a spiritual truth by using a familiar earthly phenomenon (in this case, the blowing of the wind). In reminding Nicodemus that winds produce discern able sounds, Jesus was saying that "every one who is born of the Spirit" is moved by the Spirit to speak in tongues when it happens.


In this covenant, especially, we live by the Word of God, not by the word of man. Man's own "sound", his own confession of faith, bears no weight in heaven; men can be wrong. It is only the witness of the Spirit which is always true. As his disciple John pointed out, "It is the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is truth" (1Jn.5:6b). Paul expressed the


same truth in these words: "The Spirit itself bears witness with our Spirit, that we are the children of God" (Rom.8:16). Please notice that both apostles emphasize the necessity of the Spirit's testimony (speaking in tongues) as the divinely appointed sign that we have indeed received the Spirit of God. It is God's peculiar way of declaring one to be His child. It is the voice of "Him that speaketh from heaven", Whom we must not refuse (Heb.12:25). It is the sound of the ever-moving wind of God.


No man knows another's heart; therefore, the testimony of God's Spirit is the only reliable testimony of true repentance. Listen to Peter's words in Acts: "Men and brethren . . . God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the gospel and believe. And God, Who knows the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the holy Ghost, even as He did unto us" (Acts 15:7-8). And how did Peter and his Jewish companions know that Cornelius and his household had repented and received the holy Ghost? "They heard them speak with tongues and magnify God."


Speaking in tongues when we receive the holy Ghost also makes it possible for unbelievers to know who has received God's Spirit. Many claim to be of God and to be in possession of His Spirit; therefore, "tongues are for a sign," Paul affirmed, "to them that believe not" (1Cor. 14:22). How the love of God is revealed in this! He desires those outside His kingdom to be able to find it!


At the last supper, Jesus described the spiritual condition of those who followed him but had not yet received the Spirit: "A woman when she is in travail has sorrow, because her hour is come; but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembers no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. And you now therefore have sorrow, but I will see you again [in spirit, at Pentecost], and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you" (Jn.16: 21-22). By comparing his disciples' spiritual condition that night with a woman agonizing with the pangs of childbirth, Jesus was saying that the time for their New Birth was near. The disciples had been conceived by the Word of God which Jesus had sown


into their hearts, and now they were nearing the hour of their spiritual birth at Pentecost. They were no longer of the world (Jn.17:14); at the same time, however, they were not yet "in Christ" (Jn 17:21). They were "clean" under the Law Jn.15:3), but they were not sanctified (Jn.17:17,19). As much as their lives had been changed by Jesus, their greatest transformation was yet to come.



Conception Is Not Birth


Nature itself teaches us that no birth can occur without a seed first being sown. This is true whether one is speaking naturally or spiritually. Nowhere, even in the kingdom of God, is there a birth without the sowing of a seed. Spiritually, "the seed is the Word of God" (Lk.8: 11). One must receive this Seed in order for the process of New Birth to begin. In addition to this universal truth, nature also teaches us that relatively few of the seeds sown will produce life, and that even fewer will mature and bear fruit. According to Jesus, only a small portion of the seeds of the kingdom of God which are sown into human hearts actually sprout, or produce righteousness in the life. Sometimes, he said, when one hears the Word (Seed) and receives it, "the wicked one catches away that which was sown in his heart" (Mt.13:19). The Word of God was sown


into the hearts of many thousands during Jesus' earthly ministry, yet only about 120 followers continued in his Word and were born again at the first outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost.


Many ministers mistake the receiving of the Seed to be the New Birth. They think that receiving the Word of God and repenting of sin is the same as being born again. But cessation from evil - good as that is - is not the New Birth. Repentance neither atones for nor washes away sins; sins are washed away only by the Spirit, when it baptizes us into the body of Christ (1Cor.12:13; Acts 22:16). Only by entering into Christ do we become new, spiritually clean creatures.


The Samaritans, for one example, gladly received the Word that Philip preached (Acts 8:5-8); still, the washing away of their sins was not accomplished until later, after news of Philip's preaching reached Jerusalem: "Now when the apostles


which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John, who, when they were come, prayed for them, that they might receive the holy Ghost. (For as yet it had fallen upon none of them. . . .) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the holy Ghost" (Acts 8:14-17).So, as the Samaritans' experience demonstrates, being convicted of sin and turning from it is only the first step toward the


New Birth. Tragically, many fail to continue in the Word after being convicted by it. Consequently, they never receive the baptism of the holy Ghost; they are never born again. Such people, and there are millions of them in Christianity around the world, must be warned that incomplete surrender is no better than none at all. God gives His Spirit only to those who obey


Him (Acts 5:32); therefore, our first priority must be to know God's will and to do it - not only to receive the baptism of Christ, but to obtain the promised salvation at the end of the way. "Let no man deceive you by any means", my friend; no one will be saved without receiving the holy Ghost and obeying it (1Pet.3:21; Mk.16:16; Rom.8:14). Regardless of anyone's standing among religious men, he has no part in the kingdom of God without His Spirit.



Spiritual Harlotry


I do not diminish the importance of conviction (conception) - who could be born without it? - but we must understand its purpose. Being conceived is good, but it can only be appreciated by those who are born. And how much better than the conception is the birth of a child! This is God's heart, but it is not the heart of one who has the spirit of a harlot. She dreads the thought of bearing a child, though she earns her living by performing the act which should produce the conception of one - just as multitudes of Christian ministers hate the thought of anyone being baptized with the holy Ghost and speaking in tongues, though they earn their living by "preaching the Word" - the religious act which should lead sinners to the holy Ghost life. Such men love to see the Word convict and change a sinful life; they rejoice when many respond to their


"altar call"; they study; they build; they give; they pray; they cross land and sea to make converts; but all their religious activity is no more in God's sight than the cheap perfume of a streetwalker plying her ungodly trade if the result is not life in the Spirit! The act of sowing the seed is there, but to what end?


In spite of the claims of Christians, the way of Christ Jesus found in the New Testament is not the beginning of Christianity; rather, it is the way of life which Christianity has historically opposed with all its worldly power; and it will continue to oppose that true faith until that Whore and her "daughters" are destroyed. Yes, the great Whore in John's


Revelation is Christianity (Catholicism), and the harlots to whom she gave birth are the faiths (Protestants) which departed from her. Christianity is that religion which worships the Lord Jesus, but not in spirit and in truth. It arose as a religion after the days of the apostles, and it corrupted the right ways of God. It is a religion which to this day rewards men for sowing the Seed, even as its carnal forms of worship and UN ordained doctrines abort the very spiritual life which hat Seed produces.


Yes, by leading sinners convicted by the Word to do religious works and to believe doctrines which are not of God, Christian ministers abort the good work which their own seeds may have started! By resisting the truth and power of the Spirit, ministers themselves turn what should have been a wonderful gift of God, the sowing of the Seed of Christ, into a vain religious enterprise. It is true that God has blessed some Christians with wonderful spiritual blessings, but every holy gift with which God blesses those who remain in Christianity is destined to wither, because the spirit of Christianity is the spirit of death. God has precious children now who are anointed but who have not obeyed His call to "Come out from among them." Watch them. In time their gifts will wither. Christianity  will drain the life out of their work.



Who Has Repented?


When a truly hungry soul hears the Word of God, a wonderful change begins to take place, a change wrought by the love and power of God. As one begins to feel the life of the Spirit, his countenance and behavior is altered. And if he continues in the Word, not allowing the wicked one to steal the Seed from his heart, the day will come when the Lord will baptize him with the holy Spirit. He will come out of the womb, to be numbered among the saints! Jesus encouraged us not to doubt this when he said, "Every one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness shall be filled"!


The experience of New Birth is sometimes illustrated by the process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. First, there is the worm, hairy and ugly, crawling in the dust. Then one day that worm wraps itself in a cocoon. There it remains for a time, and then, on a warm day, that cocoon bursts asunder and a beautiful butterfly emerges, no more to crawl as a worm in the dust, but to ride upon the wind and to nestle in the hearts of flowers. A sinner, convicted of his sin by the Word of


God, wraps himself in the cocoon of God's love and protection. His changing, developing life becomes a mystery to those on the outside. Old companions call him strange. But when the Spirit of God enters, he becomes a son of God, born to rise to heavenly places in Christ.


Jesus said, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Lk.13:3). No one who believes the truth will deny this. All who do not repent will surely perish. On the other hand, what is promised to all who do repent? "Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost'" (Acts 2:38). Despite these words, multitudes claim that they have repented and been baptized in the name of Jesus, but they have not received the baptism of the holy Spirit. How is that possible? If one can repent, yet not receive the holy Spirit (contrary to the Word by Peter), then one can refuse to repent, yet be saved in the end (contrary to the Word by Jesus). If God's Word in Luke 13:3 to all who do not repent stands sure, then God's Word in Acts 2:38 to all who do repent stands sure.


Every one who repents will receive the holy Ghost, God's promise of eternal life. Every one who does not repent will not receive the holy Ghost and will not be saved in the end. That is the simple truth, my friend; and the truth is destined to prevail over all the doctrines of man, regardless of how many of us may give to those doctrines a hearty "Amen".




          Have you ever wondered was there a man named Jesus, who was called the Christ, living in Palestine nineteen centuries ago, of whose life and teachings we have a correct account in the New Testament?  With the idea that Christ was the son of God...God Himself in human form, that He was the creator of the bright brilliant shining sun, the moon, and the countless millions of glowing stars, that fills the infinite expanse of the Universe; that the forces of nature are the servants of His will and change their courses at His command.  Genesis 1:1 tells us that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

          Genesis is properly called; it is the beginnings, the seed-plot of the whole Bible, as it contains an account of the origin of all things.  There is no other history so old.  There is nothing in the most ancient book, which exists that contradicts it; while many things recorded by the oldest heathen writers, or to be traced in the customs of different nations, confirm what is related in the book of Genesis.  With one decision, history began.  Existence became measurable.  Out of nothing came light.  Out of light came day.  Then came sky and earth.  And on this earth, a mighty hand went to work.  Stars were flung.  A universe sparkled.  The hand behind it was mighty.  He is mighty.  Probe deep within Him, before you deny that He never existed, explore every corner.  Search every angle.  Love is all you will find.  Go to the beginning of every decision he has made and you will find it.  Go to the end of every story he has told and you will see it.  He created a home before there was a human dweller. This earth was a gift built by God for His ultimate creation, mankind.  And God said, “It was very good.”  If you want to know if God lives, if He is real, look at the creation of God’s splendor.  Touch the flowers and see his delicacy.  Listen to the thunder and hear his power, and gaze on humanity, and witness for yourself, and tell me what man could have done those things.  In heaven nor in the earth there is no one who is greater.

          Isaiah 45: 18 “For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it, He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.” 

          From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is a progressive unfolding of truth.  Nothing is told all at once, and once for all.  The law is, “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn.”  From beginning to the end, the Bible has one great theme, the person and work of the Christ.

          There are many who claim that this idea has been abandoned by every man of Science, and all who do not believe by faith in the word of God.  It is sad to think that the divinity of Jesus Christ has been given up by so many, but this should not surprise us, for His word let us know, “that in the last days there will be a great falling away from the faith.”  We should not be too surprised at this. 

          He also tells us that, “in the last days there will be scoffers.”

          Some great scholars deny that He even lived at all, that Christ is only a myth.  The question, “Did Jesus really live?” goes to the very root of the conflict between reasoning and faith.  Some claim that the only evidence we have are based on the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  But that is not entirely true; we also have the prophets of old, like Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Psalm. Of David.  Then there is also Paul, in the book of Acts.  Can all of these men be wrong?  Do you think they suffered, were beaten, and were thrown into prison, for someone that was just made up?  A myth.

             Peter said, “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty,” II Peter 1: 16.  

          Some claim, Paul did not even exist.  That he was not a real person.  They claim that the gospel of Mark knows nothing of the Virgin birth.  Mark may not have mentioned the Virgin birth, but there are the other three that do, so what about the other gospels and what about the Prophets of old?  Do we just throw them away to be able to prove these great scholars point? 

          Records were carefully kept by the Jews, and showed that Jesus Christ was of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, and of the family of David, according to the predictions of the prophets and the promises of God in the Old Testament, and therefore they exhibit evidence that he is the true Messiah, the Saviour of men.

          The reason that there is a difference between Jesus’ lines of descent is that Matthew gives the line of Joseph, the husband of Mary, the legal line, and Luke gives the line of Mary, the mother of our Lord.  As the Jews regarded only male descent, unless Joseph, the supposed father, was a descendent of David, the Jews would not have recognized the genealogy as a fulfillment of the prophecies that Christ should be the Son of David; while Luke, himself a Gentile and writing for Gentiles, was more specific to give the line that shows that Jesus is really the Son of David. 

          There is no contradiction between the two tables is shown by the fact that the Jews who best understood their genealogies never changed it.  These tables were preserved with great care, for various reasons, until Christ was born, but it is acknowledged that Herod destroyed them.  This genealogy is not a needless one.  It proves that our Lord Jesus is of the nation and family out of which the Messiah was to arise.  The promise of the blessing was made to Abraham and his seed; of the dominion, to David and his seed.  It was promised to Abraham that Christ should descend from him, Geneses 12: 3, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” 

          Genesis 22: 18 “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.” 

          And to David that he should descend from him, II Samuel 7:12 “And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.”   I will set up thy seed after thee; the immediate reference is to Solomon, but in such a way that it includes also the whole royal line, at the head of which, after David, Solomon stood; and which finished in Christ, the son of David, according to the flesh, to whom God gave the throne of his father David.  Jesus Christ is the great blessing of the world, the greatest that ever the world possessed. 

          “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David:  and He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end,” Luke 1: 32-33.   

          The complete fulfillment, therefore, of this prophecy can only be in Christ’s everlasting kingdom.  Unless Jesus is a son of David, and a son of Abraham, He is not the Messiah.  Now this is here proved from well-known records.  There are fourteen generations from Abraham to David.  There are fourteen generations from David until the carrying away into Babylon, and fourteen generations from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ.

          The book of Matthew was written in 37 A.D., by Matthew, also called Levi, one of the twelve apostles, a Roman tax collector.  (Mark 2: 14)  When called by Jesus he left all and followed him.  He was the fifth called to follower Jesus, but like the others, he arose to the call, and went.

          The word fulfilled is repeated many times in the book of Matthew, indicating that the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.  People who do not believe anything in the four gospels, how can they believe the prophesy of the Old Testament, that speaks of His coming, that tells us of the Virgin Birth, and of His suffering.  The book of Isaiah was written 740-680 B.C., and Isaiah was regarded as the greatest of the Old Testament prophets. These things were predicted around 700-years before the birth of Christ, and was fulfilled in Jesus, as recorded in the four gospels. Jesus suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, taking our sins to the cross, that we might have life, for these same men and women that say he does not exist.  What a shame that they are so blinded.

                 Isaiah 7: 14, “Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”  Immanuel means, God with us. 

          Compare the scripture that was prophecy about 700-years before this child was born to Luke 1:35.  “And the angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy one who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”

          The Bible, which is God’s word, was written down in a book, by holy men of God, for our learning, but it seems to be under more scrutiny today than ever before, which is not surprising, since we know that Jesus is soon to come. 

          The great scholars of today are even questioning, whether Jesus ever existed, that there is no such thing as His being born of the Virgin Mary.  That it was all a well-planned fantasy.  That He was not crucified on the cross of Calvary that he arose from the grave on the third day.  They even discount the miracles that He performed.  They claim that Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John are all fiction character made up, that they were not real.

          The spirit of the Anti-Christ is in the land, deceiving many, even the very elect, if it were possible.

          In St. Matthew 10: 32-33 Jesus said, “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father, who is in heaven.” 

          Don’t you think that Just in case the Bible is the true word of the one true God, we should be very thoughtful where we want to spend eternity?  Are we willing to take the chance that all of the Bible is just a fantasy?  Peter and the other disciples walked with Jesus, they were all eye witnesses to His miracles, Peter was on the Mount of transfiguration, they were with Him when He fed the multitude, Peter and John were even in the court of Pilate, when Jesus was arrested, he was there at the tomb with John to witness the empty tomb.  Can they all be wrong?  Scarcely an action or a work of Christ is mentioned, at which Peter was not present.  Just in case the Bible is really the true word of God, what happens to us, if we refuse to believe?  Are we ready to pay the consequence?

          Did Jesus Christ really live?  What do you think?  Each person has to make up his or her own mind about the truth of the Bible.          God in the Old Testament spoke by His prophets, and what they then uttered was the testimony of God, and they wrote as they were directed by God.  Mark was written around 57-63 A.D., and he opens his book with the announcement that Jesus is the Son of God.

          In Rome, in the year 93 A.D., about 55 1/2-years after the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, Josephus, a Jewish historian, born in Jerusalem of both royal and priestly lineage.  His original name was Joseph Ben Matthias.  A man both learned and worldly, he was a member of the Pharisees, and a public figure who, before the Jewish revolt against Rome, had made friends at the court of Emperor Nero, published his lengthy history of the Jews.  While discussing the period in which the Jews of Judaea were governed by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, Josephus stated, “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man.  For He was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly.  He won many Jews and many of the Greeks.  He was the Messiah.  And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned Him to the cross, those who had first come to love Him did not forsake Him.  He appeared to them alive again, the third day restored to life.  For the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about Him.  And the tribe of the Christians, so called after Him, has still to this day not disappeared.”     

          The Jews denied Him when they rejected Him as the Messiah.  All who refuse to receive Him as their Lord are still denying Him, and those who deny that Jesus ever existed, that he was only a myth, are also denying Him.  Jesus said, “him will I also deny.”  The science and learned men of this world, remind me of the Pharisees and Sadducees.  They saw Lazarus raised from the dead and still they refused to believe that Jesus was the Christ.  People haven’t changed over the centuries, they still don’t believe.  Those who do not believe in God, nor in a revelation from God to man, but for those who call themselves Christians to deny the resurrection, the virgin birth, the second coming, is absurd enough to make all the great science and learned men in Hades laugh and all the angels weep.......Woe to the so-called Christian who under the pretence of a science falsely so-called deny the reality of the revelation of God’s word.  Like Esau, he has sold his birthright of the hope of eternal glory for a mess of pottage, the beggarly elements of worldly wisdom and pride.  May God have mercy upon their soul.

          Romans 1: 20  “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly see, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”  The invisible things of God are manifested by His works.  Nature itself speaks of God:  His eternal power and divinity are shown in His works.  The earth and the heavenly bodies are effects, which must be due to eternal power and divinity.  The existence, wisdom, and greatness of God are shown by the things, which He has made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that those who see these things and yet deny Him, are without an excuse.